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Featuring: Amy Harmon as Claire Miller , Marc Evan Jackson as Jim Dunnigan and Barry Corbin as Dick Devereaux

SUIT UP follows renowned crisis manager Jim Dunnigan, who takes the helm of a scandal-soaked athletic department at Glory University. He soon finds himself tasked with rescuing the school's pristine image, while managing dysfunctional recruits and a meddling lawyer who won't go away..

Amy Harmon as Ariel Masse on ABC’s SCANDAL

We R Not Okay

Amy Harmon stars as Jane, a woman trying to start over after eating disorder rehab. Jane attempts the overwhelming feet of getting ready in a sizzle reel from Pilot We R Not Okay

Written by: Amy Harmon + Jaquita Ta’le

Director: Sam Roden + Jessica Sherif

A Lonely Crate (In a Deep Hole)

Maya and Ritche, deadbeat minor friends of the deceased, meet at his funeral and try to take credit for his suicide.

Cast:  Amy K Harmon & Michael Grant Terry

Producers : Miles Brandman, Sean Ware & Amy K Harmon

Director / Writer / Editor: Miles Brandman Director of Photography Sean Ware Production 

Theatrical Reel

Commercial Reel